Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Try to Rest, but...

School was canceled in Houston for the second time in as many weeks due to weather, so I went to bed last night with every intention of resting today. However, my husband was determined to disregard the school/business closures and weather warnings and set his alarm for 4am. Needless to say, my plan was squelched. By 8 am, I realized that I would be in the house with my 13 and 15 year old sons all day so I needed a game plan for keeping their stomachs full. I approached the day as if it were a Sunday and baked a rack of ribs, fried a head of cabbage and made mashed potatoes. It is a little after 5 pm and I am just hoping that they've left enough for their father. In the meantime, I did the things I do every day: 1. I prayed that my husband would make it to and from all his destinations without incident or accident, even though he should have had enough sense to stay home. 2. I pressured my oldest son to finish an essay that is due January 31st. He's been working on it FOREVER. He says that he's finished...we'll see. 3. I guess-timated the calories in everything I consumed. 4. I conversed and gossiped about the Grammy's with my mother, sister and sister-in-law on the phone all day. 5. I kept putting them on hold to take calls from my husband who wanted me to fax this, scan that, and email the other. Everyday I take care of my family! I’m a mom.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reading this! Tell me what your are thinking and doing. Everyday you ____!


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